Hereby are presented some of the customers reviews
on iNTERNET Turbo® 2002
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"Last month my friend
told me about your product and I didn’t believe
him, I thought
that the program was a fake. I didn’t believe that a little
program could
double my internet connection. Well I tried it and all
I can say now,
Now everyone in my
office uses iNTERNET Turbo and in some
computers the internet connection
was boosted at 400% instead of
200% as I had expected that
to be. Keep up the great work. ”
(Rocco B. Weiss)
"Your program
is definitely a SuperB program. My results
are amazing.
Netscape works twice better and my Outlook
downloads Email
4 times faster. When I downloaded it I thought
that it would
only affect my browser but I realized that all my Internet
programs were working
better. Finally I can see RealTime video on
the net. ”
(Michelle lucwida)
"Guys it's
great! It really works, throughput is about 90% better.
Thank you very
much. Special thanks to your support team which
was so patient
with me – iNTERNET Turbo is a great program. “
(Vitali evans)
"The program is great.
The user interface is very easy to operate.
Although I
’ m not a computer genius and it only took me 5 seconds
to configure my computer.
I used your automatic mode and all I had
to do was to press one button.
(Todd A. Canonico)
"This is amazing
how do you do it, my internet connection speed
is twice
faster than it used to be !!!
is an outstanding application. ”
(Tina Decoursey)
and WOW this is all I can say. In the past I used
some boost
programs but they didn’t help and by mistake I
downloaded your program.
Well it was the best mistake I have
ever made, a week later
I purchased it.
I always thought
that my ISP sucked but now I realize that the
problem was my computer.
Thanks. ”
(Monica claudiu)
“ This is unbelievable,
I read an article about iNTERNET Turbo
and chose to download it.
It boosted my internet connection in 300%
and it isn’t an exaggeration.
All I can think about is, why I didn’t find
it before, it would have
saved me a lot of money and time… ”
(lisa Gorbachoff)
“ Thank you very
very much, now I can download some stuff from
the net. I used to download
at 1Kb/sec but with your program my
download speed has increased
to 3Kb/sec and sometime even to
5-7Kb/sec. ”
(Blair Fantana)
“ Finally !!!!!!!
Finally I can play games on the internet.
I can do things
that I have never done before, it ’ s really great.
In the past when
I tried to download a file, the download speed
was very slow,
now finally I can download stuff from the Internet. ”
(Mark Solis)